Living Water Emmaus,
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” Psalms 116:15. It saddens me that the Living Water Emmaus Community has lost one of its most faithful. Jeff Braselton went to be with the Lord on April 1st, 2024. Jeff did exactly what Emmaus is designed to do as it is a tool to build leaders in the Church.
Jeff made us all a little better when he was a part of things. He mentored us and led us and discipled us. Jeff had a way of humbling himself and making it personal, that he just attracted people to him. Most of all, Jeff had a relationship and love for the Father that only few of us will ever understand. I personally know this all too well. Jeff introduced to me the Emmaus community and encouraged me where I fell short. He encouraged me to do talks and praised me in areas he thought I did well. In fact, He continued to encourage me till his final days. He usually ended our conversations by telling me, “I’m proud of you”, when I was supposed to be encouraging him.
He taught me how to love people just as Jesus asks us too. Jeff truly loved people and consistently put their needs in front of his. He served the pilgrims and team on any walk that he worked. You would always find Jeff in the Kitchen preparing snacks and making sure the pilgrims had the best food experience. For those that new Jeff well, food was one of his love languages. He would continually serve the best desserts to each table during the weekend. Every time you looked up; He was there with a plate of snacks and a word of encouragement. Jeff discipled me outside of Emmaus as well. He showed me how to be a good husband, a good Father, good grandfather, and good friend. He showed me how to walk in a way that always gives glory to the Lord.
He was quoted in the funeral saying, “I want to live a life worth Jesus dying for”. Can you imagine living up to that statement? Jeff did exactly that! I’m just one life that was changed by the discipleship of Jeff Braselton. He mentored countless men and women in his daily walk. I was recently praised by an Emmaus elder in a letter, “we can see Jeff Braselton’s teachings and mentorship in your life”. Truthfully, I never looked at him as a mentor till I received this letter. However, in looking back I can see it all too well. A true mentor encourages changes in your life by simply being a light and example in your life.
I ask each member of the Living Water Emmaus community to follow Jeff's leadership. Be a disciple. Be an example and change those around you, without them even seeing it. Serve selflessly and love people just as Jesus asks us too. Live by these words, “if you want to fill the church, love people”.
DeColores, Christopher Rowten
Next Meeting April 18
Silverton Methodist Church
Women’s Walk #112 Lay Director: Patsy Ivy Spiritual Director: Rance Young June 6-9, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) Applications Due: May 17, 2024 | Men’s Walk #113 Lay Director: Johnny Boyce Spiritual Director: Steven Harrison September 12-15, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) Applications Due: August 23, 2024 |
Questions Contact Registrar Deidra Howell Cell: 806-789-3329E-mail: Fee - $170 Digital applications can be found on Facebook or link on the website |
If you want to fill the church, love people.
Jeff Braselton
Community Meeting Schedule 3rd Thursday of the Month
Board meeting – 6:00 pm Sponsor's Training- 6:00 pm Potluck Supper – 6:45pm Community service – 7:30 pm Wear your Emmaus name tag
Seeking Host Churches
If your church would like to host, please let Chris Rowten know.