LWE Emmaus,
it’s a privilege to be a part of such an amazing body of believers. We have had great success in our community meetings in 2024. Thanks to each of you for your support, whether it was in person or in prayer. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.“ Mathew 18:20. It is so true; He is pleased with us lifting Him up and gathering in His name.
I have a few announcements. Lamar and Jasmine have agreed to head up a communication committee. This committee will serve as a mentor for upcoming walks and informing the community. This committee will also oversee mass communication to Living Water Emmaus. We will be sending out “text blasts” to the community on a regular basis. These blasts will be informative to notify us of upcoming community, Send off, candlelight, gatherings, etc.... To sign up please text JOINLWE to 833.245.8807 and you will receive a welcome text to the service.
Second, we will also continue to be a voice for those who have been overlooked in the selection process of working walks or wish to be selected for different positions. The LWE board is striving to become an active board and integrate with the body of our community. If any of you desire to volunteer or express desire in future walks, please reach out to myself, or any member of the board. Thank the Lord for His continued blessings in this endeavor. I implore each member of our community to consistently pray for a shower of blessings on the weekend of September 12-15. The community meeting at Grace Methodist will gather to commission team 113 August 15th.
Thank you, Living Water Emmaus, for your support and being a true reflection of Christ.
De Colores, Christopher Rowten
Next Meeting: August 15 Grace Methodist Church Plainview
Community Meeting Schedule 3rd Thursday of the Month
Board meeting – 6:00 pm Sponsor's Training- 6:00 pm Potluck Supper – 6:45pm Community service – 7:30 pm Wear your Emmaus name tag
Seeking Host Churches
If your church would like to host, please let Chris Rowten know.
Men’s Walk #113 Lay Director: Johnny Boyce Spiritual Director: Steven Harrison September 12-15, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) | Women’s Walk #114 Lay Director: Shea Adrien Spiritual Director: Mandy Thrasher October 3-6, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) |
Questions Contact Registrar Deidra HowellCell: 806-789-3329 E-mail: livingwateremmaus@yahoo.comFee - $170 Digital applications can be found on Facebook or link on the website |