Living Water Emmaus,
What a blessing that is already July and over half of 2024 is over. It seems time is going quickly. I pray each of you had family filled Fourth of July weekend. It is a privilege to be able to honor our country, especially with family. Can you believe, we have already had two walks this year? First, Phil Lemons brought an amazing group of men to our community. Then, Patsy Ivy brought an equivalent group of women. Let’s get these new members plugged in. The Lord is doing amazing things with our community this year.
Let us join to continue to increase our community with active members. I urge you to encourage conversations about Emmaus with past members and get them back involved. Come to communities and sponsor pilgrims. Know the ways to be active members. If you have questions, simply ask members of the community. The Lord has stressed with me, this is the year of growth. It is my heartfelt belief that Emmaus will increase 2-fold in active members by the end of the year.
We are working on making things better for each of us. Lay directors will be given reference material and involve personal instructions to help them coordinate walks. The community will have texts sent out as reminders on a regular basis. These texts will inform us of community meetings, candle lights, send offs and any other opportunities to come together. We are working on better ways to communicate. We are working on better ways to train us up as leaders. Please, feel free to give input and communication at any time.
De Colores, Christopher Rowten
Next Meeting: July 18 Roaring Springs Full Gospel Church
Community Meeting Schedule 3rd Thursday of the Month
Board meeting – 6:00 pm Sponsor's Training- 6:00 pm Potluck Supper – 6:45pm Community service – 7:30 pm Wear your Emmaus name tag
Seeking Host Churches
If your church would like to host, please let Chris Rowten know.
Men’s Walk #113 Lay Director: Johnny Boyce Spiritual Director: Steven Harrison September 12-15, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) | Women’s Walk #114 Lay Director: Shea Adrien Spiritual Director: Mandy Thrasher October 3-6, 2024 Amherst Retreat Center (Arc) |
Questions Contact Registrar Deidra HowellCell: 806-789-3329 E-mail: livingwateremmaus@yahoo.comFee - $170 Digital applications can be found on Facebook or link on the website |