Living Water Emmaus,
I’m excited to watch how our community is beginning to strengthen and establish numbers in 2024. “More in 24!”, that should be our motto. “More of you God, less of me.” What a blessing watching the community come together for Patsy, Rance and most importantly the pilgrims of walk 112. Their testimonies should continue to ring in our ears, as they were declarations of faith and triumph during the ordained Emmaus weekend. The Lord did an amazing work in Walk 112. Send off had an amazing turn out, and the sponsor's hour was nothing short of spirit filled. I personally counted over 80 members at candlelight (I believe more showed after the count) and there may have been more at closing.
I want to thank the community for the amazing outpouring of love and dedication to these women of Walk 112. It is time to pray for the restoration of Living Water Emmaus and that its numbers are greater than ever before. Let us use the attack of Covid as a steppingstone to make this community even greater than its former self.
Ephesians 4:12-13, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.” Thank you, Living Water Emmaus, for continuing to build leaders in the church. Thank you for your heart to serve. Thank you for your heart to love as Christ loved us. I ask each of you to continue to build the community of service for this ministry. Let us get behind Johnny Boyce, Stephen Harrison and the pilgrims of walk 113.
De Colores, Christopher Rowten
Next MeetingJune 20 Western Heritage Church
Find us online at:
Community Meeting Schedule 3rd Thursday of the Month
Board meeting – 6:00 pm Sponsor's Training- 6:00 pm Potluck Supper – 6:45pm Community service – 7:30 pm Wear your Emmaus name tag
Seeking Host Churches
If your church would like to host, please let Chris Rowten know.
Facebook:Living Water Emmaus Community
New Community Members
Letter for Walk Lay Director
Walk #112 was awesome! God showed up and showed out. Many women’s lives were transformed, the pilgrims and the team. We were also refreshed and refueled. Many came defeated, broken and feeling unloved. The team of 112 showered love, acceptance and support to these ladies. Thank you, team of #112 for saying yes to serve and giving up your time. Your reward is waiting in God’s kingdom. Your labor of love never goes unnoticed. I am humbled to have such an awesome amazing group to work along side with; the conference team, the agape team, and the music team was amazing , and those that helped to guide me by answering my endless questions. Thank you, Emmaus community that came to send off, sponsors hour, candlelight, and closing. Thanks for all the prayers lifted up for the 72 hours, and all the agape that was given. I thank each and everyone you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you; thank you!
Patsy Ivy
WALK #112
Amanda Salazar | Mari Rojas |
Becca Gloyne | Mary Hood |
Bonnie Perez | Meredith Martinez |
Chelsey Fry | Mindy Lunch |
Chrystal Thomas | Nancy Wright |
Danielle Travis | Nikki Wall |
Diane Chavez | Nina Poston |
Heaven Watson | Ravonnette Stacey |
Jana Ward | Regina Phipps |
Jasmine Belgara | Sarah Salazar |
Jobita Martinez | Sheleta Brooks |
Judy West | Sulema Gillman |
Letty Ramirez | Tresha McCaster |
Linda Banks | Trinity Rojas |
Lori Hall |